

Preparing for interiew, refreshing knowledge, code snippet.

  • Commonly used HTTP code

    • backend
  • RESTful and REST API

    • backend
  • CI/CD in Web development

    • CI/CD
  • Continuous Deployment vs Continuous Delivery

    • CI/CD
  • What is Continuous Integration

    • CI/CD
  • Commonly used AWS Services in Frontend Development

    • frontend
  • Cookie in API request

    • frontend
  • Cookie and localStorage on subdomain availability

    • frontend
  • Cookie vs localStorage

    • frontend
  • HTTP 1.1 vs HTTP2

    • frontend
  • What do you care about when coding ?

    • frontend
  • Software Version number

    • general
  • Regular function and Arrow function difference

    • javascript
  • What is Callback hell and How to avoid it ?

    • javascript
  • What is Closure ?

    • javascript
  • What is Event bubbling  ?

    • javascript
  • What is Event bubbling  ?

    • javascript
  • Memory management in web application

    • javascript
  • What is Object Prototype ?

    • javascript
  • Primitive and Reference value

    • javascript
  • What is Promise hell and How to avoid it ?

    • javascript
  • var - const - let difference

    • javascript
  • What is best to store in cookie ?

    • javascript
  • Next.js data fetching strategy

    • nextjs
  • Next.js Pros and Cons

    • nextjs
  • How to optimize web performance ?

    • performance
  • What is Web Vital ?

    • performance
  • Design Patterns in React

    • react
  • Order of hierarchy render

    • react
  • Redux and React Context

    • react
  • Rendering performance with Context usage

    • react
  • Should you use useMemo for everything ?

    • react
  • What is React Virtual DOM ?

    • react
  • Typescript Generic classes

    • typescript
  • How to convert Javascript project to Typescript ?

    • typescript
  • How to extendd Typescript Type ?

    • typescript